Thursday, February 23, 2012

Catch Up for the Week

I'm alive! Its been quite the week, and also the weekend before, so I've been slacking in my blog. But no fear, I have returned. Today is bittersweet, my dad and sister just left after spending the week with us. I loved loved loved having them here with us, it was so nice to just relax and be with them. My family lives in California, and while its not on the other side of the country, sometimes it feels that way. We don't get to see each other often, so it was an especially wonderful treat. That was the sweet part. The bitter part is now that they're gone, I'm feeling particularly lonely again. I hate not having lots of family around. But such is life.

Spencer and I also were able to find out this week that our little bundle of joy is indeed a GIRL. She is doing well as far as we know, and growing right on schedule!! We've decided to call her Avery, though the verdict is still out on a middle name. She'll be due right around Independence Day, I have never been more excited for the holiday as I am now. Just a little over 4 months from now, I'll have our sweet little baby in my arms. Ahh, I don't see how I can possibly wait that much longer! We were both VERY happy that she is doing so well in there. 

My job situation isn't working out quite like I thought it would, but if there's anything marriage has taught me, it's that the best way to live life is roll with the punches, and not try too hard to control the outcome of everything you deal with. I know things will work  out the way they are meant to, and I keep telling myself that I can only do as much as I can do. No reason to stress the small stuff, right? In every aspect of life, Spencer is so encouraging and loving, he's my number one fan :) Which works out well, as I try hard to be his own personal cheerleader. I love our relationship, I think we balance each other so well, it's almost perfection.

Before I go, I wanted to leave a fun quote I found on Pinterest, that happens to make me feel better every time I read it:

Everyone is a Genius
But if you judge a Fish
On it's ability to Fly,
It will live its whole Life
Believing it is Stupid.

Have a good day everyone!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Love

I wanted to write a little bit about how grateful I am for Spencer. He deals with so much responsibility, and always has a good attitude and a smile for me. I tend to be a little bit cynical sometimes, and he constantly build me up and points out the silver lining in my clouds. I love him with my whole heart. Spencer is the best thing that has happened to me, I am so lucky to have somehow tricked him into loving me back :) He takes care of me when I'm sick, helps clean without complaint, buys me little presents all the time, and can make me laugh even when I really don't want to. I love you Spencer! You make my life so much better every single day.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life Gave me Lemonade Today... How Unexpected!

Well friends, I have some terrific news. I found a new job! I'm finally getting the hang of this pregnancy thing, and I was offered a position as a receptionist practically as soon as I decided to find one. My old job was a night shift, and it was really hard on me during that first trimester, so Spence and I decided to try and make due with only one income for a while. At least until this little guy/gal stopped making me quite so nauseated! I'm feeling better and better with every passing day, and hardly ever have to, erm, call Uncle Ralph on the Big White Phone anymore, so I started looking for jobs via the internet. I applied to this position on Tuesday, and after a disastrous interview on Wednesday, assumed there was no way I would get the job. I'm not exaggerating either. I got so completely lost on my way there, I ended up being almost 45 minutes late. But they were understanding and agreed to interview me anyway. Which, by the way, ended up lasting less than 5 minutes. I thought for sure I was a gonner!! But they called me this afternoon and offered me the position, and now I am officially employed. This is such a blessing, and it really happened at the perfect time for us.

AND...from this blessing stems another. Spencer has given the green light for us to move!! With a second income, we will be much better equipped to afford a slightly larger kitchen apartment. A slight Freudian slip there, I think. A larger kitchen would be fantastic, but what we're mostly looking for is a second room for baby, and now is also great timing because I'm not quite to Elephant-sized pregnant-dome yet, and can still be of use while packing and unpacking. We just need to find the perfect apartment, and hopefully will be in a new place by the end of March. I have come to really like this apartment, for the most part. The neighbors are really nice, and it's pretty removed from Campus, which is especially nice, since the closer you get the more concentrated the freshmen seem to become. :) I have nothing against freshmen individually, but as a whole they do have certain, aggravating, tendencies. I've also learned that a smaller kitchen means that the mess can never really grow beyond a certain point. That is definitely a blessing. I just want some more wiggle room, and preferably in a place that doesn't have a s.p.i.d.e.r. problem. *shudder* I HATE SPIDERS. And for that reason alone, I will never be able to make an appearance on Fear Factor. That show creeps me out to no end! But I digress.

Hope you all have had a great week so far. Only one more day until Friday!! Ahh, sweet relief. Enjoy the weekend everyone :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Spinach Mushroom Pockets

Yummy! I have to say, this recipe was surprisingly fantastic. Even Spencer gobbled up the entire thing, and said he'd love to have this in our weekly rotation from now on. That's saying something! Usually, he'll eat most anything I make, but he's never been so excited (and I've been cooking for him for over a year now) about one of my creative cooking adventures. If you are at all a fan of mushrooms, give this a shot. I can guarantee your mouth will thank you!

For this recipe, you will need:
2 tbls Butter
1/2 onion, finely chopped
2 tbls minced Garlic (I used the kind that comes in a jar, mincing Garlic is the WORST)
1 (8 oz) pkg Mushrooms, sliced
2 cups Spinach (I used fresh, but frozen should work just as well)
1/3 cup Heavy Cream
salt, pepper to taste
1 can Crescent Dough ( I used Pillsbury, the sheet instead of the Crescent Rolls pre-cut, it makes creating the pockets much easier)
Parmesan Cheese

Start by sauteing the onions with butter, until onions are soft, about 4-6 minutes. Add Garlic, and continue to saute until Garlic is translucent. 

Add Mushrooms, and stir until coated in butter. Lower heat to Medium Low, add Spinach and Heavy Cream, and cover.

While this is marinating, open can of dough and roll to 1/4 inch thick. Cut in half and sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese.

Once Mushrooms have softened, and Spinach is reduced, pour half of the mixture into the middle of each dough square, making sure to leave a perimeter for folding the dough.

Fold sides of dough up to middle and pinch closed. Roll ends up and press until sealed. **HINT: Before adding Mushroom mixture to dough squares, transfer dough to greased cookie sheet. It's much easier than transferring after filling. I promise!

Bake at 375 F for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown. I also sprinkled with an Italian Cheese blend for the last 2 minutes of baking, because I love cheese :) 

Cut in half and enjoy!!