Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life Gave me Lemonade Today... How Unexpected!

Well friends, I have some terrific news. I found a new job! I'm finally getting the hang of this pregnancy thing, and I was offered a position as a receptionist practically as soon as I decided to find one. My old job was a night shift, and it was really hard on me during that first trimester, so Spence and I decided to try and make due with only one income for a while. At least until this little guy/gal stopped making me quite so nauseated! I'm feeling better and better with every passing day, and hardly ever have to, erm, call Uncle Ralph on the Big White Phone anymore, so I started looking for jobs via the internet. I applied to this position on Tuesday, and after a disastrous interview on Wednesday, assumed there was no way I would get the job. I'm not exaggerating either. I got so completely lost on my way there, I ended up being almost 45 minutes late. But they were understanding and agreed to interview me anyway. Which, by the way, ended up lasting less than 5 minutes. I thought for sure I was a gonner!! But they called me this afternoon and offered me the position, and now I am officially employed. This is such a blessing, and it really happened at the perfect time for us.

AND...from this blessing stems another. Spencer has given the green light for us to move!! With a second income, we will be much better equipped to afford a slightly larger kitchen apartment. A slight Freudian slip there, I think. A larger kitchen would be fantastic, but what we're mostly looking for is a second room for baby, and now is also great timing because I'm not quite to Elephant-sized pregnant-dome yet, and can still be of use while packing and unpacking. We just need to find the perfect apartment, and hopefully will be in a new place by the end of March. I have come to really like this apartment, for the most part. The neighbors are really nice, and it's pretty removed from Campus, which is especially nice, since the closer you get the more concentrated the freshmen seem to become. :) I have nothing against freshmen individually, but as a whole they do have certain, aggravating, tendencies. I've also learned that a smaller kitchen means that the mess can never really grow beyond a certain point. That is definitely a blessing. I just want some more wiggle room, and preferably in a place that doesn't have a s.p.i.d.e.r. problem. *shudder* I HATE SPIDERS. And for that reason alone, I will never be able to make an appearance on Fear Factor. That show creeps me out to no end! But I digress.

Hope you all have had a great week so far. Only one more day until Friday!! Ahh, sweet relief. Enjoy the weekend everyone :)


  1. Bailey! That is so exciting! And congrats on the new job. :) I quit my job my first trimester too. It was awful! AWFUL! But it does get better, and it is good that your new job is a sit down one.

  2. Christiana! Thanks so much, I'm really liking it there. And it is a TON easier, not having to move around a whole bunch. Your little girl will be here so soon!! Have you picked out a name yet??
